💭 Introduction 💭

Hello, world. At the turn of the year, my hacker buddy jellyc0la linked me a series of introductory tutorials titled Learn Enough, and ever since I've been on a deep dive into the expanding universe of web development. He mentored me through a well-crafted curriculum, starting with front-end web development, and relentlessly emphasizing learning the fundamentals of concepts deeply.

After covering some basic UNIX command line, basic version control and HTML, next up was The Odin Project's HTML5/CSS3 course, a great selection of resources and interesting projects. The projects ranged from cloning the Google homepage, to its results page, a YouTube page, an older version of the apple.com homepage and a New York Times article employing a range of concepts like HTML forms, CSS Box Model, Responsive Design with media queries.

Luckily I had jellyc0la's guidance a text away to triple-check my work, which proved the importance of fresh eyes and good mentorship. A particularly painful episode when an extra "/" prevented a YouTube logo to render properly in the header springs to mind.

Instead of using a framework like Bootstrap, I accumulated enough technical sophistication to build my own cc-ss library, using resources such as Skeleton, clrs, font-awesome, and normalize. Along the way, I read a couple of SASS tutorials as well that were helpful in writing my framework efficiently. As my knowledge expanded, so did my arsenal of tools. I upgraded from the default Mac Terminal to iTerm2, decked out my Atom text editor with packages and established a streamlined workflow (More on that later!). Most importantly, I ensured daily progress covering new ground and working on at least a project a day.

The main benefit of deep learning is a better understanding of frameworks, libraries and even languages like SASS, which I found more intuitive after covering main CSS concepts. Beyond HTML and CSS, I've read the first couple of chapters of EloquentJS, a book that is a favorite amongst many programmers.

Although my current programming sophistication fails to show for any notable achievements, I intend on immersing myself and delving as deep into programming concepts, frameworks, libraries and everything in between as I did before. So stay tuned for the exciting upcoming projects!